
Birmingham Childrens Hospital NHS Trust

Newborn Screening & Biochemical Genetics
Birmingham Children’s Hospital
Steelhouse Lane
West Midlands
B4 6NH


Main Contact
Dr Adam Gerrard
Consultant Clinical Scientist
T: (0121) 333 9903
E: Contact Dr Adam Gerrard

Other Contacts

Dr. Christopher Stockdale
Principal Clinical Scientist
T: (0121) 333 9940
E: Contact Dr. Christopher Stockdale


Clinical Pathology Accreditation (CPA): N/A

ISO15189: Full

UKAS No.: 9948

UKAS Website: Visit UKAS website

All | # A B C D F G H L M N O P R S T V
There are currently 8 names in this directory beginning with the letter A.
Acyl carnitines
Plasma or Dried bloodspot or bile

Alpha-fucosidase (frucosidosis)
Plasma [ LithiumHeparin ] or Whole blood [ EDTA ] or Fibroblasts (1x 25cm flask)

Alpha-galactosidase A (Fabry disease)
Whole blood [ EDTA ] or Fibroblasts (2x 25cm flask)

Alpha-glucosidase - acid maltase (GSD Type II – Pompe disease)
Whole blood [ EDTA ] or Fibroblasts (1x 25cm flask)

Alpha-mannosidase (Alpha-mannosidosis)
Whole blood [ EDTA ] or Fibroblasts (1x 25cm flask) or Serum

Amino acids (qualitative)

Amino acids (quantitative)
Plasma [ LithiumHeparin ] or Urine (random plain) or CSF

Arylsulphatase A -sulphatidase (Metachromatic leukodystrophy)
Whole blood [ EDTA ] or Fibroblasts (1x 25cm flask)