Showing: 1 - 8 of 8 Articles

Metabolic Minds

***2024 APPLICATIONS NOW CLOSED*** A new leadership development programme for early career scientists. MetBioNet is pleased to present a new exciting opportunity for early career individuals to receive bespoke leadership development over a two year programme. Combining a formalised course, and a placement at an external laboratory partner, you will be a part of the …

person dropping paper on box

Nominations open for Chair and Secretary

Dear Stakeholders The next Stakeholder meeting will take place via Teams on Friday 3rd December, 1.30 – 4.00 pm.  Please let me know if you plan to attend the meeting or if you are unable to do so.  As previously discussed, the MetBioNet Secretary and Chair come to the end of their terms of office …

Welcome to our new website!

We appreciate your patience but Version 1 of our new website is now live. A lot of the functionality has been copied across to this new website with a change in overall appearance. With time we will upload user videos and other content to help improve our functionality further. As with all big changes to …